DESMOS – Smart Interconnected Infrastructures for Security and Protection
Funding Program: Greek National Operational Program “Competitiveness, Entrepreneurship and Innovation – RESEARCH-CREATE-INNOVATE
Period: 25/07/2018 – 24/1/2021
Total Cost: 678.239 €
Role in the Project: Project partner/ WP leader

Description: The project aims to develop the DESMOS platform, a framework for the interconnection of smart infrastructures and the use of mobile and computing applications to provide a secure environment for citizens, with emphasis on tourists. The platform will be based on participatory cooperation between people and infrastructure, implementing a framework for the protection of tourists through timely incident reporting, adaptation of interconnected infrastructures in emergency situations, and support for assistance through the actions of volunteers and local authorities.
The project sets the following high-level objectives:
- Fast, timely and accurate notifications in case of emergencies (e.g. allergies, medical incidents, etc.), sending at the same time all contextual information needed to help authorities coordinate and assist people, protecting the privacy of the monitored people.
- Anonymous reporting of incidents using crowdsourcing, with a special focus on incidents involving tourists, e.g. thefts.
- Adaptability of services, devices and people to respond to incidents and protect citizens/tourists.
In order to realize the abovementioned objectives, the platform will follow a systematic approach for interconnecting people, services and devices using:
- Applications in mobile and wearable devices that will be used by:
- Volunteers, who will be timely informed for incidents happening nearby, providing at the same time contextual information about the type of help needed, the current situation and suggestions on how to react.
- Tourists, who will be able to connect with volunteers and services of the visited area, increasing the feeling of safety and promoting their participation in the safe ecosystem of people and devices.
- Smart Spots across the area (e.g. municipality) that will be able to listen for reports and requests for help and further propagate them in the local intelligent network, aiming at finding the best solution to mitigate the emergency situation.
- Fusion and interpretation of heterogeneous events and information through semantic reasoning and decision making for supporting real-time alerts and notification of responsible entities.

Researchers in charge of the project: