TRILLION – Trusted, cItizen – Lea coLlaboratIon over sOcial Networks
Funding Program: Horizon (H2020-EU.3.7.)
Topic: FCT-14-2014 – Ethical/Societal Dimension Topic 2: Enhancing cooperation between law enforcement agencies and citizens – Community policing
Type: RIA – Research and Innovation action
Period: 1/9/2015 – 31/8/2018
Total Cost: 4.263.408 €
Grant agreement: N°653256
Role in the Project: Scientific Coordinator
Cordis link:

Description: TRILLION proposes an open, flexible, secure and resilient socio-technical platform to foster effective collaboration of citizens and law enforcement officers. Using the TRILLION platform, citizens will be able to report crimes, suspicious behavior and incidents, identify hazards and assist law enforcement agents through active participation for achieving better urban security management. On the other hand, Law Enforcement Agencies (LEAs) will be able to detect incidents in a more efficient, content and context aware manner, locate onsite citizens, other LEA representatives and first responders communicate with them, request more information and assign them specific actions to address on-going incidents.