Panos2019-09-23T15:00:34+03:00Name Surname Associate Professor Electrical & Electronics Engineering Location: UNIWA, Building Z, Office ZB201 Contact days/time: Wed, Thur 09:00-11:00 or by (email) appointment Email: Brief CV Charalampos Z. Patrikakis is an Associate Professor at the Dept. of Electrical & Electronics Engineering of University of West Attica. He has participated in more than 32 National, European and International programs, in 16 of which he has been involved as technical coordinator or principal researcher. He has more than 100 publications in chapters of books, international journals and conferences, and has 2 contributions in national legislation. He is a member of the editorial committee of more than 50 international journals and conferences, and has acted as editor in the publication of special issues of international journals, conference proceedings volumes and coedited three books. He is a senior member of IEEE, Assistant Editor In Chief (Special Issues) of IEEE IT Pro Magazine, member of the Technical Chamber of Greece, the European Association for Theoretical Computer Science, ACM, and counselor of the IEEE student department of University of West Attica. Education Diploma in Electrical Engineering and Computers, National Technical University of Athens, School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, 1993. PhD in Electrical Engineering and Computers, National Technical University of Athens, School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, 1998. Languages spoken Greek (native speaker) English (fluently) French (average) Italian (basic) Memberships, Associations Senior member IEEE Member of the Technical Chamber of Greece Member of SCIS Registered reviewer for the Greek Secretary of Research and Technology Certified trainer by the National Accreditation Center for Continuing Vocational Training Professional experience 2011 – today: TEI of Piraeus: Faculty member of the Dept of Electrical & Electronics Engineering 1992 – today: NTUA/ICCS: Research/Senior Research Associate 2006 – 2007: Ministry of Development: Counselor for Research and Development topics 2005 – 2009: Agricultural University of Athens: Adjunct lecturer (no tenure) 2005 – 2010: Agricultural University of Athens: Senior Research associate / manager of research projects 2004 – 2005: TEI of Piraeus, Dept of Automation: Research associate 2003 – 2004: Temagon: Technical support and consulting 2001: CMT Prooptiki: Contracts for technical support of electronic equipment and network administration of the company’s network 2001: CMT Prooptiki: Research associate for the project «Leonardo da Vinci - Content of Initial and Vocational Training in Public Health in European Member States» 2001: ΟΤΕ Consulting: Consulting in the context of «EURESCOM P1001 – PKI Implementation and Test Suites for Selected Applications and Services» 1999: PANAFON Engineering Dept: Senior Engineer 1997: OTE A.E. IT Department : Consulting in the context of “JΟb CONTrol Automation” project for the automatic production of daily schedules of the company’s mainframe Awards 2015: Distinction for course “Computer Networks” in the context of Open Academic Courses 2014: Outstanding Reviewer Status award (Computer communications, Elsevier), March 2014 2013: Invited panelist, Second IEEE Workshop on Quality of Experience for Multimedia [...]