01/07/2021 –  30/06/2024

first RESponder-Centered support toolkit for operating in adverse and infrastrUcture-less EnviRonments

RESCUER aims to design and develop a First-Responder-centered technology toolkit that will empower the next-generation of First Responders (FR) by enhancing their operational capacity and safety, specifically in adverse conditions, both environmental and infrastructure-wise.

Horizon (H2020-EU.3.7 / H2020-EU.3.7.5)

€ 6.984.803,75

RESCUER will deliver a toolkit offering

      • sense augmentation through enhanced sensorial input

      • precise and infrastructure-less self-positioning

      • cognitive support and multi-sense AR interfaces, improving their focus and capability to utilise information

      • robust ad-hoc intra-team communications for both verbal and data exchanges, all delivered over enhanced power and communication autonomy features