“I was lucky to participate in the CoNSeRT research team twice. I first joined as an Erasmus Intern in 2014. During my 3-months practice period, I worked on a home automation project, where I developed an application to control home devices remotely. It was a great experience for me to test my app on Z-Wave devices and put the project into practice. My second visit was during my Master’s studies in 2016. We had collaborated on a project about information dissemination and privacy issues on social networks and published a research article. I am so grateful to have had the opportunity to work with such a diverse and experienced group at CoNSeRT, with colleagues coming from different backgrounds of expertise. I thoroughly enjoyed my time with you and found the experience interesting and rewarding; thank you for being my family in Athens!”

It all started with a phrase like this: “Let’s see how good you can swim in the open ocean!” Back in 2012 and for a period of 4 years I had the chance to complete as a member of the CoNSeRT team a variety of projects such as ICN implementation on NS-3, Home automation using ZNode, Kinnect Integration, eHealth-IoT Social Network platform and Treasure Hunter Game platform. I gain valuable experience in designing and implementing applications in .NET framework for cutting-edge innovative projects. If I had to choose the best skill that I got through the interaction with CoNSeRT team, this would be the sharpen of my “out of the box thinking” because our moto is that everything can happen! I am thankful for my time in the team and I would say: The best is yet to come!