01/09/2022 –  31/08/2025

VERITY (deVEloping scientific Research with ethIcs and inTegritY for shared benefits) combines multidisciplinary expertise, both from the social sciences and engineering, to
synthesise existing knowledge to evaluate tools and methods for enhancing trust in science through original research
and small-scale participatory activities.


1.847.563,25 €

      • VERITY brings forward interdisciplinary expertise to perform network analysis and execute interventions on social media, to validate the VERITAS Protocol and alleviate practical barriers for its uptake in practice by different stakeholders.

      • VERITY findings will be widely disseminated to different “stewards of trust”, such as policymakers, research funding and performing organisations, higher education institutions and other research and innovation actors, to enhance societal trust in science and facilitate science-society co-creation.
