Ongoing Projects

2 02, 2023



01/11/2022 –  31/03/2025 - GENERA assists public authorities in transforming the energy context of the European regions in order to facilitate a rapid transition to a decarbonized and sustainable economy. - LIFE-2021-CET (LIFE-2021-CET-LOCAL) - 1.841.042,00 € - The GENERA concept is grounded on four principles: Create an ecosystem including all energy transition actors to design and implement the energy roadmaps at the local level to achieve EU island energy transition roadmaps, plans and SECAPs, aiming at the definition of a replicability methodology and sustainability guidelines. Provide ET actors with novel, valuable and common multi-criteria energy monitoring tools, tailored to the needs of the islands, to facilitate decision making and drive the sustainable energy transition leveraging on existing initiatives. Provide efficient and effective large-scale capacity building programmes adapted to each actor's requirements. Involve local societies, permanent and seasonal inhabitants, and tourists through both a digital social platform and physical events with the aim of creating a new generation of energy-sensitive citizens that are part of the energy transition mission. - - Ass.Prof. Leligkou Eleni-Aikaterini

2 02, 2023



04/08/2022 –  31/12/2023 - This project introduces a novel routing and exploration service in outdoor and indoor areas of touristic and cultural interest in the broad area of Attica. - Research & Innovation Collaborations in the Region of Attica - 394.250,00 € -,00 Offers a series of innovative routings across and towards areas of interest, targeting users experience optimization and promotion of underlying purposes. Safety and social wellbeing are prioritized for every tour. Making use of the smart phone device most end users possess as well as wearable devices the project offers a complete service producing and presenting to the end user results coming from the solution of complex routing optimization problems. - - Prof.Patrikakis Charalampos

19 07, 2022



01/09/2022 –  31/08/2025 - VERITY (deVEloping scientific Research with ethIcs and inTegritY for shared benefits) combines multidisciplinary expertise, both from the social sciences and engineering, to synthesise existing knowledge to evaluate tools and methods for enhancing trust in science through original research and small-scale participatory activities. - HORIZON-WIDERA-2021-ERA-01 - 1.847.563,25 € - VERITY brings forward interdisciplinary expertise to perform network analysis and execute interventions on social media, to validate the VERITAS Protocol and alleviate practical barriers for its uptake in practice by different stakeholders. VERITY findings will be widely disseminated to different "stewards of trust", such as policymakers, research funding and performing organisations, higher education institutions and other research and innovation actors, to enhance societal trust in science and facilitate science-society co-creation. - - Panagiotis Monachelis

19 07, 2022



5/12/2018 ­– 4/12/2021 - NewTech4Rum Project aims at the development of precision farming technologies and their implementation in the management of extensively farmed migrating small and large ruminants. Operational Program Epirus 2014-2020 - 198.744€ -  Development of new technologies deploying sensory devices (such as accelerometers, thermometers, pedometers and global positioning systems-GPS) appropriate for use in livestock farming. Application optimization oriented to extensively farmed migrating small and large ruminants. Collection of animal activity data (running, grazing, eatin, etc). Export high level information from collected data to improve farming. Dissemination of the results to improve the sustainability of the system developed. - -  Dr. Michalis Feidakis Vasileios Doulgerakis

19 07, 2022



01/07/2021 –  30/06/2024 - first RESponder-Centered support toolkit for operating in adverse and infrastrUcture-less EnviRonments RESCUER aims to design and develop a First-Responder-centered technology toolkit that will empower the next-generation of First Responders (FR) by enhancing their operational capacity and safety, specifically in adverse conditions, both environmental and infrastructure-wise. Horizon (H2020-EU.3.7 / H2020-EU.3.7.5) - € 6.984.803,75 - RESCUER will deliver a toolkit offering sense augmentation through enhanced sensorial input precise and infrastructure-less self-positioning cognitive support and multi-sense AR interfaces, improving their focus and capability to utilise information robust ad-hoc intra-team communications for both verbal and data exchanges, all delivered over enhanced power and communication autonomy features - (Project) (Cordis) -  Dr. Michalis Feidakis

14 07, 2022



06/04/2022 - 31/12/2022 - Sleep apnea detection and characterization with radar and machine learning - EIT Health RIS - 75.000,00 € - Develop a proof of concept device for radar detection of sleep apnea at home Develop a framework for processing radar signals that will be used for apnea detection Develop a balanced dataset of healthy and apnea suffering individuals radar recordings Develop machine learning models for detecting and characterizing sleep apnea at home - --- - Dr. Stelios A. Mitilineos Dr. Charalampos Patrikakis Dr. Dimitrios Uzunidis Dr. Christos Ferles Dr. Panagiotis Kasnesis

27 07, 2021



Artificial Intelligence Cloud Infrastructure Subproject: Artificial Intelligence Cloud Infrastructure (CloudAI) Funding Program: Development of Infrastructures and Structures in critical areas and R&D sectors in accordance with the Implementation of RIS3 of the Attica Region Έργο – «Ανάπτυξη Υποδομών του ΠΑΔΑ για την Έρευνα και την Καινοτομία στην Τεχνητή Νοημοσύνη και τις εφαρμογές της - UNIWA AI Innovation Hub» Υποέργο - Κεντρική Υποδομή Νεφοϋπολογιστικής και Τεχνητής Νοημοσύνης – Artificial Intelligence Cloud Infrastructure (CloudAI) Role in the Project: Prof. Patrikakis, Dr. Feidakis and Prof. Leligkou are part of the team implementing subproject Artificial Intelligence Cloud Infrastructure.

3 04, 2021

HUMANoids Learn dEEp


Funding Program: Own funding through CONSERT lab resources (internal CoNSeRT project) Title: HUMANoids Learn dEEp Period: 09/03/2021 -  09/03/2022 Total Cost: 7.205,87 € Description:The aim of the project is the design and implementation of a Natural Language Processing and Understanding model based on Deep Learning, and the programming of the respective Application Programming Interface (API) for humanoids i.e., Softbank NAO. Objectives: Build a Natural Language Processing and Understanding model based on Deep Learning Develop an API to deploy the model into humanoids Evaluate the results Researchers in charge: Dr. Michalis Feidakis

HUMANoids Learn dEEp2022-10-02T23:40:16+03:00
3 04, 2021



01/02/2021 – Continous Integration CONSEDRE (CONSErt EDucation REsources) constitutes a free Repository for Open Education Resources (OERs) on the topics of: (a) Computer Science Unplugged-CSU (b) Humanoids (i.e. Softbank NAO) Researchers in charge: Dr. Michalis Feidakis (Coordinator) Anna Stathopoulou (BSc Student) Konstantina Marathaki (PhD Student) Own funding through CONSERT lab resources (internal CoNSeRT project)- - -

28 03, 2021



Εθνική Χρηματοδότηση 2019_GA No: 825171 —EUNOMIA — H2020-ICT- 2018-2020/H2020-ICT-2018-2 Funding Program: Matching Funds program - GSRT Topic: Social Media Content Analysis for emergency situations detection Period: 04/2021 -  04/2022 Total Cost: 6.266 € Role in the Project: Internal CoNSeRT project Description: The goal of this project is the design and implementation of a human assisted Machine Learning solution for the detection of emergency situations over the analysis of social media content. For this, the study and validation of existing Natural Language Processing solutions, will be utilized, leading to the finetuning and enhancement of selected models through data visualization of results, leading to situational awareness. This approach will be extremely useful for augmenting textual data when it comes to tasks comprised of  few annotated data, or goal-based chatbots that want to accomplish an objective, such as to book a restaurant. Objectives: Study and validation of existing Natural Language Processing for the detection of emergency situations. Proposal on the implementation of an NLP solution for emergency situation detection over the analysis of social media content. Finetuning and enhancement of selected models through data visualization of results.

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